Simply and Securely Exchange Confidential Deal Documents with Dexterity

Coming Soon!

Secure Document Negotiation Made Easy

Effortlessly share document drafts with advisors or adversaries directly from Microsoft Word without risking unwanted disclosure. Our intuitive and secure negotiation platform designed specifically for the M&A market makes exchanging, negotiating, and tracking deal documents a breeze.

A Better Way to Securely Share Deal Documents

A Better Way to Securely Share Deal Documents

No Training

Built directly into Microsoft Word, our intuitive interface requires no training. Even the most infrequent users of Microsoft's products will feel right at home using Bargaining Table, Inc.

Next-Generation Security

Bargaining Table, Inc. protects sensitive deal information from unwanted disclosure by seamlessly preventing unauthorized access to documents without disruption to operations.

No Disruption

Accepting and not altering our existing users’ work habits is critical to our design. We meet our users where they work today—in Microsoft Word and Outlook.

A Better Way to Securely Share Deal Documents

No Training

Built directly into Microsoft Word, our intuitive interface requires no training. Even the most infrequent users of Microsoft's products will feel right at home using Bargaining Table, Inc.

Next-Generation Security

Bargaining Table, Inc. protects sensitive deal information from unwanted disclosure by seamlessly preventing unauthorized access to documents without disruption to operations.

No Disruption

Accepting and not altering our existing users’ work habits is critical to our design. We meet our users where they work today—in Microsoft Word and Outlook.

Better Tracking

Busy deal professionals can leverage Bargaining Table, Inc.'s deal dashboard to simultaneously stay informed of the latest updates to multiple deals.

Access to Critical Information

Our deal-centric platform provides immediate access to the most current deal information and documents.

Seamless Microsoft Integration

Our platform seamlessly integrates with Microsoft Word and Outlook. Users can review and share documents directly from the software they use daily.

Save Time

Bargaining Table, Inc. helps busy deal professionals save time by providing easy access to critical insights into current documentation.
No Training Icon

No Training

Built directly into Microsoft Word, our intuitive interface requires no training. Even the most infrequent users of Microsoft's products will feel right at home.
Lock File Icon

Next-Generation Security

Dexterity protects sensitive deal documents from unwanted disclosure by preventing unauthorized access without disrupting the deal flow.
Broken Cog Icon

No Disruption

Accepting and not altering existing work habits is critical to our design. We meet our users where they work today -- in Microsoft Word and Outlook.
Check List Icon

Better Tracking

Track document status for multiple deals simultaneously with our deal dashboard.
Computer File Icon

Access to Critical Information

Our deal-centric platform provides immediate access to the most current deal information and documents.

Seamless Microsoft Integration

Our platform seamlessly integrates with Microsoft Word and Outlook. Users can review and share documents directly from the software they use daily.
Hand Holding A Time Icon

Save Time

Save precious time by simplifying how you share and track the status of deal documents.